Wednesday, May 11, 2011

50 Days of Easter

Did you know that the Church celebrates 50 Days of Easter? The 40 days of Lent seem small when you consider the incredible gift of Jesus on the Cross. So now we continue in the Easter Season in the joy of knowing that we are blessed and forgiven. I have two layouts of Easter, that are very much the personality of my family, but share some of the gratitude I have for my blessings.

My DS is 10. He is a big guy at 5'3" and 127 lbs. He is athletic and outgoing AND right on the cusp of teenage behavior. That being said he is also still a little and naive boy. The Easter Bunny brought him a tiny replica of himself, which as you can see he just loved. At our house we love St. Nicholas and the Easter Bunny and we choose to believe in the simplicity and joyful times they bring. I love this time with my son.

The other layout is of my husband. This was just after Easter Services. He had just finished singing in the choir and was about ready to lose his voice after the rigorous schedule the choir follows during Holy Week. But he was not too tired to pose for this rather silly photograph! I love him as our spiritual leader and leader of silliness.

I hope each of you is having many blessings during the 50 days of Easter!

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